The G-7 have under the banner "Step Up for Somalia" walked hundreds of kilometers, from Calgary to Edmonton, to create awareness and raise money for the cause.
So far the group has surpassed their target goal but their effort goes on.
Please visit their blog: or read the article below for more information:
Step UP for Somalia
A group of teenagers is walking from Calgary to the province's capital to raise money for Somalia.
Saturday, August 06, 2011
A group of young Somali-Canadians are walking to raise money and draw attention to the famine in east Africa.
The group, made up of seven cousins, calls themselves Step UP for Somalia.
The teenagers are walking from Calgary to Edmonton this weekend.
They say their walk symbolizes the walk many Somalis are making in Africa on their way to refugee camps in Kenya.
The group's goal was to raise $10,000 but they have surpassed that and have now raised more than $12,000.
This week the federal government stepped up too and will match their donations.
"Well we are all of Somali heritage and we have been watching what's going on in the media. Reading about it in the news papers and you know what people are always sloughing it off not doing anything about it and we thought we could do something in our own unique way , as responsible people and make a difference," said Madina Abdi.
The group is still accepting donations throughout the weekend.
For more information or to make a donation visit the Step UP for Somalia website.