Saturday, May 21, 2011

Living like Doves. Simple!

I returned home from a late breakfast at a nearby restaurant at midday today. On my way home, I passed below a bridge which actually was an elevated railroad. I then heard a low but constant hum right over my head, a manifestation that some vigorous activities were taking place.
I looked up! I saw a dole of doves sitting, mating, feeding and caring for each others’ welfare on the contours of the metals that made the bridge.
The interesting thing was that these doves were sheltering below the bridge amidst lush woods, where many neighboring houses carried For Sale signs. They did not need to buy a house and sign a 30-year mortgage much less fear a bank foreclosure for a property on which they made a 15-year payment. They felt safe in their lives and thus didn’t even need to hire police to guard them. They flew when they wanted, where they wanted. They sorted their differences without deploying tanks on each others’ territories and without even dropping bombs on each other’s homes.
This is the real deal. It’s a lesson for humanity, for all of us. Man needs to learn to care instead of the blinding greed, and the endless want to step on each others’ shoulders to get anywhere.
May be people should think about living simple again. Living like those birds without the amassed material wealth, much of, which are often mortgaged by banks. Like those doves without the hired security guards stationed at their doors. Peaceful, respectful and carefree.

Since I didn't have my camera with me (probably out of simplicity), I didn't take any picture of the scene nor shoot a video. Nonetheless, I have embedded a Youtube video just to give you a better idea of the situation:

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